PowerBox Pioneer

23,400 руб.

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invalid timer id


Технические характеристики

Operating voltage 4.0 V — 9.0 V
Power supply 2s LiPo, 2s Lilon, 2s LiFePo, 5s NiMH
Current drain Power-on state 105 mA
Current drain Standby 30 µA
Maximum load current Continuous 2×10 A (<30 s 2x 20 A)
Drop-out voltage 0.3 V
Output voltage unregulated
Signal input serial
Supported RC systems PowerBox, Futaba, Jeti
Receiver redundancy SRS
Channels 26
Servo sockets 14
Servo signal resolution 0,5µs
Signal frame rate 10 ms, 12 ms, 14 ms, 16 ms, 18 ms
Gyro regulation Heading- and Normalmode
Gyro sensor type external iGyro SAT
Number of sensor axes 9
Supported telemetry systems P²BUS, S.BUS2, EX-Tele
Dimensions 63 x 44 x 12 mm
Weight 40 g
Weight Sensor Switch 6 g
Temperature range -30 °C to +75 °C
